– Medieval Art-
newyorkcarver.com ~~ Medieval Art Museums and Galleries ~~ Portal to dozens of online medieval and Gothic art collections.
evansville.net ~~ Resources relating to the Medieval development of Western civilization.
history.hanover.edu ~~ Hanover Historical Texts Project information sources.
hu.inter.net ~~ an introductory research guide to the art of the medieval kingdom of Hungary.
yebo.co.za ~~ Post-Byzantine Icon Art. Brief introduction to the art of iconography from the fall of Constantinople.
humanities.uchicago.edu ~~ The Tres Riches Heures. The classic example of a medieval book of hours.
ica.princeton.edu ~~ Index of Christian Art. Archive of medieval art. A specialized resource for the iconographer.
isd.usc.edu ~~ Electronic Resources in Medieval art history.
killeenroos.com ~~ Historical calender of events
labyrinth.georgetown.edu ~~ The Labyrinth:Resources for Medieval Studies Georgetown University.
lcweb.loc.gov ~~ Monarchs and Monasteries in Medieval France (late 8th — late 15th centuries)
lib.haifa.ac.il ~~ List of Internet Resources recommended for Art History Courses of the Library’s Web Projects.
library.brown.edu ~~ Search The Josiah Brown University Library Catalog: Web MainMenu.
library.byu.edu ~~ Brigham Young University published In aedibus Aldi: the legacy of Aldus Manutius and his press.
library.thinkquest.org ~~ Life in England during the eleventh through fourteenth centuries is explained in detail.
libro.uca.edu ~~ The Library of Research Historians of Medieval Spain.
mandragore.bnf.fr ~~ Collections of Eastern and Western Iconography. Collections occidentales et orientales du Département des Manuscrits abritent plusieurs centaines de milliers de miniatures.
matrix.bc.edu ~~ collection of images of art objects, architecture, archaeological remains, site-plans, & maps.
medievalart.org ~~ The International Center of Medieval Art.
archivesnationales.culture.gouv.fr ~~ Documents at the Archives Nationales, many illuminations.
orb.rhodes.edu ~~ ORB Online Reference Book:for Medieval Studies.
stthomas.edu ~~ A list of of movies which are based of medieval times and events; including historically interesting architecture and locations.
bl.uk/whatson ~~ the Lindisfarne Gospels. Turn the pages of one of the world’s most magnificent works of art; understand how and why this great book was made.
library.cornell.edu ~~ Saganet: Icelandic Medieval Literature. The material consists of the entire range of Icelandic family sagas. It also includes a very large portion of Germanic/Nordic mythology (the Eddas), the history of Norwegian kings.
http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Scriptorium ~~ The Digital Scriptorium is an image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts.
sunsite.unc.edu ~~ WebMuseum Paris, with examples of artworks
tripod.com ~~ Life during Middle Ages
the-orb.net ~~ an academic site, written and maintained by medieval scholars
witcombe.bcpw.sbc.edu ~~ Categorized art history resources.
http://worldart.sjsu.edu/Prt23*1$486 ~~ Medieval Wall Painting: cathedrals, including Winchester Cathedral. Many European churches; from California State University.
http://www.abdn.ac.uk/bestiary/index.hti ~~ The Aberdeen Bestiary. The manuscript, written and illuminated in England around 1200
acs.ucalgary.ca~~ 6th century writer Jordanes, The Origin and Deeds of the Goths, from a printed copy of Mierow’s book
anglo-norman.net ~~ Anglo-Norman On-Line Hub project
arca.net ~~ Virtual Uffizi: the complete catalogue of the Uffizi Gallery of Florence, all texts and most of the images.
arch.columbia.edu ~~ Multimedia project. Visit the Media Center for Art History. Visit the Amiens web site at Art History. Notre Dame Cathedral of Amiens.
archaeology.co.uk ~~ 7th century King burial chamber in East Anglia. The web site also has a good search engine for medieval items.
bayeuxtapestry.org.uk ~~ Reading Bayeux Tapestry –
The story of William the Conqueror and Harold, Earl of Wessex, the men who led the Norman and Saxon armies in 1066.
bl.uk ~~ The British Library’s digital collections comprising over 18 million items, includes Magna Carta, the foundation of civil liberties; the Lindisfarne Gospels, the pinnacle of Anglo-Saxon artistry; and the Gutenberg Bible, the first major book printed in Europe from movable type. Plus the Diamond Sutra, the world’s earliest dated printed document, Beowulf, the oldest surviving epic poem in English literature; and the manuscript notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci. The Tyndale New Testament.
thebritishmuseum.ac.uk ~~ British Museum, London. A lot of images and information but not easy to find; click and do a search for ‘medieval’ etc.
byu.edu ~~ DScriptorium is devoted to collecting, storing and distributing digital images of Medieval manuscripts.
chart.ac.uk ~~ The History of Art Virtual Library is a collection of links relating to Art History and computer applications in Art History. by Birkbeck College, London
christusrex.org ~~ An excellent site with a large selection of medieval art images and information on a Christian theme; including items from Sistine Chapel to Giotto etc, etc. Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
diamm.ac.uk ~~ Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music:
dur.ac.uk ~~ A tour of Durham Cathedral and Castle. Durham’s Cathedral Church of Christ and Blessed Mary the Virgin is the last resting place of St Cuthbert – the greatest of the early English saints, St Bede – the finest scholar of his age, and the head of St Oswald – the warrior king and martyr. The Castle was built by King William the Conqueror in 1072.
fordham.edu ~~ A branch of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Cloisters displays a variety of medieval art, including tapestries.
itl.net/features ~~ The Beaulieu Abbey This website gives a detailed description of the structure of the Abbey at Beaulieu. It appears to be part of a tourist site and gives wonderful pictures of the Abbey’s architecture. The
louvre.fr ~~ The official site of the Louvre Museum; including paintings and sculptures of the middle ages.
metmuseum.org ~~ Metropolitan Museum of Art and architecture of Medieval Europe. Timeline World Map, 1000-1400 A.D.
nga.gov ~~ Website of National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. including Medieval Metalwork and Enamels
.npg.org.uk ~~ Search The National Portrait Gallery’s collection of 10,000 portraits
paintedchurch.org ~~ Open University UK Medieval Wall Painting in the English Parish Church.
paris.org ~~ Musées de Paris / Museums of Paris
pitt.edu ~~ Images and research information on Medieval art and architecture.
http://www.qc.edu/Library/index.html ~~ The Library of Queens College New York
bodley.ox.ac.uk ~~ Oxford University’s Bodlean library. List of manuscripts, arranged by century
sai.msu.su ~~ Russian icons including St. George, St. Ilia, St. Kirill, St. Nickola, St. Serge, The Virgin and Child.
sas.ac.uk ~~ University of London Warburg-Courtauld Institute library and archives.
sla.purdue.edu ~~ Medieval studies site with Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman Art plus the Robin Hood legend site.
studiogiove.org ~~ An Italian site with examples of medieval art works and history. Includes medieval calenders.
tate.org.uk ~~ Tate Gallery (London) including medieval paintings and sculpture.
ucalgary.ca ~~ The End of Europe’s Middle Age. Medieval studies including fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
vitruvio.ch ~~ Vitruvio.ch – A Swiss site which includes medieval European architecture resources.
wsu.edu ~~ Information on the people and cultures of the European Middle Ages; from Washington State University.
sunsite.unc.edu/expo/deadsea.scrolls ~~